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Sweet Breeze's Bowie Got This "Bo"

Bo, an Australian Labradoodle, was born in November, 2020.  Bo is the whole package.  He had the most mellow, calm and sweet personality.  Even as a puppy, he never chewed on fingers and toes.  He is so gentle.  He adores his people and likes nothing better than to snuggle up next to them and get a good belly rub.  This endearing boy lives with a lucky guardian family.  His coat is so thick and luxurious.  We could spend hours just runing our hands through it.  We think Bo is going to make a fantastic contribution to the Australian Labradoodle breed, and especially to our program.

Australian Labradoodle


ALAA - 095843

PRcPRA - Clear

vWD - Clear

EIC - Clear

Eyes - Pending

Hips - Good

Elbows - Good

Coat - Fleece

Color - Caramel Ice

Size - Medium

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